Hello World

Young CT winner

The DX Lab is excited to announce that the winner of the Young Creative Technologist Award is Vignesh Sankaran.

This award is a unique opportunity for a young creative technologist to undertake an innovative project of their choice. The Young Creative Technologist Award, proudly supported by Macquarie Group, gives a young person aged 18-25 the opportunity to create an innovative digital experience utilising some of the Library’s seven million digitised images. Vignesh will receive a $10,000 prize.

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Vignesh’s project proposal is:

People image search
A search for images that contain a person e.g. Ned Kelly. Users can search for a person, and an interface similar to Google Images, will display all images related to the person. Clicking on an image will take the user to a description of the image. The Tensorflow project is a Deep Learning framework that can be used to undertake facial recognition. Using this, we can run a facial recognition analysis over the entire image collection in the State Library of NSW. From there, it is possible to have a list of unique faces in the image database, and can assign names to the known faces. These faces can then be indexed, and made available to search on to the general public.

Vignesh is a Computer Science student studying at Swinburne University of Technology.

Congratulations Vignesh, we are looking forward to having you join the DX Lab to undertake your research.

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